Friday, February 5, 2010


It's snowing again and I am bummed. I took a vaca day today cause the roads are icy and slick today and I didn't want to give it a go. I made it the other 4 days this week and well I get a 3 day weekend! Whooo hooo. The down side to all this snow, I have only walked 2 miles this week!!!!!!!!!!!! ERRRR. I really had hoped I'd walk A LOT more this week!
Upside is I found a watch online today that I want for walking. It will keep track of my steps, miles and pace. :o)  I also sent out lots of donation request emails and got another donation today!!!!! Yes!!!
It's like Christmas when I open my email or go to the 3-day site and see that I have another donation. My friends generosity is wonderful. It makes me so excited to be on this journey!!!  It's an amazing feeling that I can not describe!! Thank you to all of you for you wonderful support. I could not do this with out my friends and family!!! I love you!

Here's to NO MORE snow this winter!!!!!!!!!!

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